Most often overlooked

Sometimes it’s easy to overlook shots like this. In fact, I think I walked past this spot 6 or 7 times on this trip. Was it because there was a wine shop right behind it? Sure, that has a bit to do with it too but it’s not the only reason…

On this trip it rained… a lot. If it wasn’t a rainy day, it was either overcast or completely clear and blue. Each time I walked by, I really wanted to take a picture. Each time, though, I decided that the lighting wasn’t right.

So, you ask, what’s wrong with a completely blue sky?

Well, the short of it is that it adds absolutely nothing to the photo. In this shot, the weird little clouds help add to composition while a clear blue sky would have added nothing. Clouds play an important role in HDR Photography since the process increases detail and texture. Without clouds, blue is blue, meaning that stacking up multiple Exposure Brackets will do nothing to enhance an empty sky.

Daily Banana – Of Stone and Slab

(move the slider to compare before and after)
