magic mouse fail
With absolute frustration in cutting photoshop masks with a mouse, I give you something simple today. A door.
And, In order to vent said frustration, I’ve also prepared a short letter to Apple Computers.
Dear Apple,
I hate The Magic Mouse. It must die.
Yours Truly,
Eli Locardi
Wow, I feel better already…
Technical Mumbo Jumbo:
– Nikon D3 – Nikkor 14-24 f/2.8@ 24mm f/2.8 Iso: 100
– 5 Exposure Brackets (-2,-1,0,1,2)
– HDR Photography Processing & Tone Mapping using Photomatix Pro
– Post Processing & Color Correction in Photoshop
– Enhanced detail with Nik Software Sharpener Pro
– Didn’t make a single mask. Take that Magic Mouse!
Daily Banana – Door Number 3
(move the slider to compare before and after)
