Today is my last day in Italy and even though I’m sad to leave, I’m happy to get one more day to explore the fascinating city of Venice. With each visit, I learn more and more about the culture, the history, and the world class architecture. It’s also interesting that no matter how many times I visit Venice, I still get completely lost trying to navigate the narrow streets and bridges. In the end, I always end up where I’m going but I’m never able to take the same path to get there. I’ve never had so much fun being lost.
Ciao Italia! Fino alla prossima volta.
Technical Mumbo Jumbo || Before and After Comparison
Camera: Nikon D800
Lens: 24-70 f/2.8 (Shot at 30 mm)
Tripod: RRS TVC-33 / BH-55 Ballhead / RRS L-Plate
ISO: 100
2 Exposures: 5 seconds at f/8, 24 seconds f/14
Technique and Details: Digital Blending using 2 manuel exposures, equivalent to bracketing -1 and 0. While I was shooting a +1 equivalent long exposure, a garbage hauling boat pulled right into this slip, leaving a long glowing light trail and ruined the shot. Thankfully the Camera RAW files already had plenty of data inside the shadow regions and with a bit of color correction in Adobe Lightroom, I was able to recover all the luminance data I needed. After that, it was blending as usual. The Before and After comparison should help shed light on the rest. (no pun intended) 😉
Software: Lightroom, Photoshop, NIK Software
Espresso: Lavazzo Oro – My very favorite.